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Our small local newspaper isn't media, it's a medium, and one that continues to do award winning work while under the constant pressure to remain profitable. The Record-Courier is special to us, but it's not alone among the tiny publications across this country that are doing the day to day legwork to keep communities informed. People love that our town has a newspaper, with an office and real people they can visit. I'll admit to leaning into the old country editor thing, it certainly doesn't hurt. Maybe that's why academia and big media tend to overlook those of us who serve actual communities. During the pandemic, people asked where they could donate. I told them, don't hand us money, buy an ad. Put people to work. When asked what they would put in an ad, I answered "Say you support local news." And they did. There are newspapers in Nevada that survived for decades off legals. If the government really wants to help, then stop fighting publication of those notices. All I ask is that people let us do our jobs. If we fail after all that, then that's on us.

From: In defense of (some) old media

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